
    Returns and exchanges service

    If you find that the product has the following conditions after receiving it, you can request a return or replacement of the product from us.
    However, all return or exchange requests must be made within seven days after receipt:
    (1) The product is damaged/the packaging is incomplete
    (2) The use period is less than two months (except for sale items with a special use period)
    (3) Missing or incorrectly delivered products
    You must provide proof of return and replacement products for verification, including:
    (1) Present valid documents/evidence to prove that the product in question was purchased at QXMall;
    (2) Take an image of the product in question and send it to us via email/instant messaging software as evidence.
    Returns will not be accepted if the following circumstances occur:
    (1) Products that have been delivered to users for more than seven days;
    (2) Products that have been unpacked or used;
    (3) Products with damaged or lost packaging boxes, bags, labels, accessories, warranties, certificates of identification or combined product contents;
    (4) Products that are damaged or contaminated due to careless users;
    (5) Gifts and discounted goods.
    Refunds will only be returned to the user's account used to pay for the item. Since the refund procedure involves the PayPal system and is limited by their settlement date and payment date, the actual completion time of the refund procedure will be based on the operating procedures of the relevant processing agency.
    7. Force majeure
    If due to any force majeure including due to fire, casualty, accident, act of God, natural disaster, any law, order, declaration, regulation, request or requirement of the Hong Kong or Macau government or any of its government agencies, strike, labor dispute, labor shortage or shortage of skilled workers, shortage or lack of supply of products or raw materials, delays in transportation or any other reasons beyond our reasonable control that cause us to be unable to perform its responsibilities under this website, we shall not be liable to you to the extent of such hindrance. assume no responsibility.
    8. Disclaimer
    The Company, its employees, contractors and any third-party suppliers make no representations or warranties regarding:
    (1) the completeness, quality, operation, use, accuracy or timeliness, or fitness or use for any purpose;
    (2) Any products or services requested, provided or obtained through quickxilver.com.hk or based on relevant information;
    (3) There will be no interruption when browsing quickxilver.com.hk or related information, or the information is correct, or the related information does not contain any computer viruses or is not contaminating or destructive;
    QX Mall is not responsible for any indirect or direct damages, losses, costs or expenses incurred by you as a result of relying on or using the relevant information or this website.
    QX Mall reserves all rights not expressly granted in these Terms of Use.
    9. Intellectual property rights
    The intellectual property rights in all content, User Content, design, text, images and other material on this website, and the selection or arrangement thereof, are owned, controlled or licensed to us. Any authorized use without prior written approval is strictly prohibited. All trademarks, product names and company names or logos contained in this website are the property of the Company or the property of their respective owners. We do not grant approval for the use of any such trademarks, designs, product names, company names, logos or designations and such use may constitute an infringement of the rights of the holder.

